
This paper addresses the urgent need for efficient hydrogen storage methods in the context of combating climate change and transitioning to sustainable energy sources. Among various storage options, LiBH4 is highlighted for its high volumetric and gravimetric energy densities, critical factors in determining its suitability for energy applications. However, challenges arise due to its high thermolysis temperature, which poses difficulties, especially in applications like automotive use where high temperatures are required. The commercial viability of LiBH4 remains a significant obstacle due to the nascent stage of chemical hydride technology and the absence of large-scale production facilities. Environmental concerns also loom large, as the production of LiBH4 relies on extensive mining of lithium and boron, known for their environmental impact. Furthermore, the economic feasibility of LiBH4 as a hydrogen storage medium is questioned, given the substantial portion of total expenses attributed to hydrogen costs, affecting all methods except those based on fossil fuels or electricity. Nevertheless, there is optimism that with technological advancements and improved infrastructure, the costs associated with LiBH4 and hydrogen storage overall may decrease over time.In conclusion, while LiBH4 presents promising energy density characteristics, its practical implementation faces challenges such as high production costs, environmental concerns, and technological limitations. Overcoming these obstacles is crucial for realizing a sustainable and carbon-free energy landscape driven by hydrogen.

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