
Diurnal and seasonal variations in atmospheric hydrogen peroxideconcentrations wereinvestigated during a summer and winter cruise aboard the R.V. `Endeavor' atthe BermudaAtlantic Time Series Station. Rainwater peroxide concentrations in Augustdisplayed dielvariability while no temporal H2O2 pattern was evidentin March rain. Averageconcentrations in March were also significantly lower than August whichindicates photochemicalprocesses are involved in controlling hydrogen peroxide concentrations inmarine rainwaterfalling over the open ocean. The range of gas phase hydrogen peroxideconcentrations wasbetween 1 and 6 ppbv and also exhibited a strong diurnal pattern during bothAugust and Marchwith concentration maxima in the early evening. The influence of atmosphericdeposition onsurface seawater hydrogen peroxide levels was also evaluated. Hydrogenperoxide depth profileswere measured on four separate occasions before and after rain events duringthe Augustsampling period. The input of rainfall hydrogen peroxide was observedthroughout the 25 metermixed layer with surface concentrations two fold larger in the morning aftera rain event. Theintegrated increase in hydrogen peroxide after the rain from 0 to 90 meterswas 1,720 μmolalmost all of which could be accounted for by the peroxide added from rain.The data presentedin this study represent the first detailed, simultaneous measurements ofhydrogen peroxide inmarine air, rain and surface seawater.

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