
Abstract At the Los Alamos Ion Beam Facility we have installed a low-energy fusion cross section (LEFCS) apparatus specifically designed to measure cross sections to high accuracy for the various fusion-energy reactions among the hydrogen isotopes in the bombarding-energy range 10 to 120 keV. To date, we have completed and published our study of the D(t,α)n reaction, have finished data-taking for the D(d,p)T and D(d, 3He)n reactions, and have nearly finished data-taking for the T(t,α)nn reaction. Here we describe the LEFCS facility, present final and preliminary results for these reactions, and compare them with R-matrix calculations.


  • I]{)r Ilny IIECIIC) thcrcol, m)r IIIIy I)IIhCII cttIphIyccK mukcs IIny wllrrnnty, cxprcw or tmplicd, or IIrJMUmm IIny lcgItl II IIIIIIIIV t)r rc~pmxl

  • We have completed and published c)\Ar study of the D(t,a)n reac ion, have finished data-taking for the D(d,p)T and D(d, 5He)n reactions, and have nearly fin,Lshed data-taking for the T(t,o)nn reaccion, Here we describe the low-energy fusion cross section (LEFCS) facility, present finnl and prc!liminnry results for these re{~ctjons, and compa~e t.hcmwith R-mntrix

  • With the LEFCS system we have demonstrated the ability to metisure cross sections for the basic fusion reactions in the low-energy region to unprecedented accuracy, These data can greatly aid evaluations, such as R-matrix analyses, in producing highly reliable fusion energy data

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Conference on Nuclear Data for Ilasc

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