
Transformation of the energy system using hydrogen energy is one of the key challenges facing the world today. The problem primarily concerns the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is necessary to stop climate change. The current energy system is mainly based on fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil, which are the source of greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the demand for energy is increasing, which in turn contributes to the increase in emissions. Hydrogen energy is a potential solution to the emission problem, because hydrogen is a clean energy carrier, the combustion of which does not emit CO2 or other harmful substances. What's more, hydrogen can be produced from renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind or water energy, thanks to which its production can be completely environmentally neutral. However, there are many problems associated with the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. First of all, hydrogen cannot be obtained directly from nature - it must be produced from other substances, which requires energy consumption and often has low energy efficiency. In addition, hydrogen is very light and requires a large volume to be stored in gaseous form, posing challenges to storage and transportation infrastructure. Another problem is the high cost of hydrogen production, especially in the case of green hydrogen, which is produced from renewable energy sources. The implementation of new hydrogen technologies also requires investment in infrastructure, which is costly and takes time. In addition, not all countries yet have appropriate legal regulations and policies that support the development of hydrogen technologies. The challenges associated with the use of hydrogen energy are manifold and require an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account technological as well as economic, social and political aspects. However, with the development of technologies and energy policies favoring the green transition, hydrogen energy can play a key role in the future energy system. The article uses a wide range of analysis of source documents, case studies, statistical data analysis and SWOT analysis for the above topics.

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