
The physicochemical properties of starch vary depending on the botanical sources, thereby influencing the gelatinisation/retrogradation properties and subsequently affecting the hydrogels characteristics. This study aimed to assess the influence of botanical sources influence on starch and hydrogel properties using non-conventional starch derived from guabiju, pinhão, and uvaia seeds. Hydrogels were prepared by starch gelatinisation followed by 6 h ageing period at room temperature (20 ± 2 °C) and subjected to five freeze–thaw cycles. Pinhão starch exhibited a higher viscosity peak and breakdown, along with a lower final viscosity and setback, compared to guabiju and uvaia starches. The significantly different pasting properties influenced the porous microstructure, water absorption (p-value: 0.01), and resistance of the hydrogels (p-value: 0.01). The guabiju starch hydrogels showed a uniform pore structure without cavities, whereas pinhão and uvaia starch hydrogels exhibited agglomerated and spongy pore structures. Furthermore, the guabiju starch hydrogel demonstrated the lowest water absorption (4.56 g/g) and the highest compression resistance (1448.50 g) among all the studied starch hydrogels. In contrast, the pinhão starch hydrogel showed the highest water absorption (7.43 g/; p-value: 0.01) among all studied starch hydrogels. The hardness of uvaia starch hydrogel did not differ significantly from the guabiju and pinhão starch hydrogel. The different non-conventional starches reveal important variations in the hydrogels characteristics. This provides insights into how amylose and amylopectin interact and present alternatives for using these unique starch-based hydrogels in diverse applications.

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