
The Maestrazgo is a karst aquifer of more than 2400 km2 that occupies the northern half of the province of Castellón. Its main discharge area is in the coastal sierra of Irta, between the towns of Alcocebre and Peñíscola. On the coastline of this carbonate elevation, there are several springs, permanent (Playa de las Fuentes Centro, Torre Badum y Font de Dins) and occasional (Playa del Carregador, Playa de las Fuentes Sur y Norte, Playa del Pebret y Playa del Russo), which can be grouped into different types depending on their chemical characteristics. This diversity is due to underground flow through preferential circulation conduits that may be more or less interconnected with each other and more or less affected by marine waters. Significant events of precipitation, on a local and / or regional scale, in addition to causing the appearance of occasional springs, temporarily modify the hydrochemistry of permanent upwellings. The springs of Playa de las Fuentes Centro, Torre Badum and Playa del Carregador rapidly reduce their saline content, while the springs of Playa de las Fuentes Sur, Playa del Pebret and Playa del Russo, respond with a piston effect and initially, the more saline waters that occupy the conduits of the environment near the springs are drained until they are replaced by those of a continental nature. Finally, the Font de Dins spring drains through channels without contact with marine waters, so it does not undergo notable alterations in its composition due to their influence, although its relationship with the detrital aquifer of Vinarós-Peñíscola alters its usual hydrochemistry.

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