
In this paper we study thermoelectric transport in interacting two-dimensional Dirac-type systems using a phenomenological Boltzmann approach. We consider a setup that can accommodate electrons, holes, and collective modes. In the first part of the paper we consider the electron-hole hydrodynamics, a model that is popular in the context of graphene, and its transport properties. In a second part, we propose a unique type of hydrodynamics. In that setup, the ``fluid'' consists of electrons, holes, and plasmons. We study its transport properties, especially the thermoelectric behavior. The results of this part can also be adapted to the study of a fluid consisting of electrons and phonons. This paper is accompanied by a technical paper [K. Pongsangangan et al., Phys. Rev. B 106, 205127 (2022)], in which we give a detailed derivation of the Boltzmann equations and the encoded conservation laws.

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