
AbstractI will present results obtained by means of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the formation of second generation (SG) stars in a young globular cluster (GC). Our setup includes the mass return from Asymptotic Giant branch (AGB) stars, the accretion of pristine gas as well as star formation of SG stars, three ingredients which have never been simultaneously taken into account in previous 3D numerical studies of GC formation. The cluster is set in motion with respect to a distribution of gas and allowed to accrete mass from it. Formation of SG stars occurs out of the gas shed by AGB stars and from the gas accreted during the motion of the cluster. We consider two models characterised by different densities of the external gas. In both cases, we find that a very compact SG subsystem with central density > 105M⊙/pc3 forms in the innermost regions of the cluster.

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