
The expected water mixing process between Red/Dead Sea water during the proposed conveyance projects is the main target of this research. The project will ensue transporting Red Sea water to recover and maintain certain level of the Dead Sea, mostly will reach -395 m. It is found that, the two different water bodies with different EC values or different densities (salinities) are relatively divided by stable plane. This plane is defined as the BARZACH PLANE. In this study, the mixing process occurred between the Red Sea with the Dead Sea waters, located at 20% - 24% of the Dead Sea column depth based on the Barzach Plane level. During a laboratory experimental work, it is found that the mixed Red/Dead Sea water evaporates in a high rate until certain level where the solution attains oversaturated conditions with different dissolved solids. At this stage, a thin layer of solids suddenly formed and floated at the surface of the dense brine. The salinity of the captured water is so dense that floated salt layer cannot be dissolved. In addition, the formed floated salt layer at the surface prevents the below captured water to evaporate and at this stage, stalactites start to form until the excess dissolved solids are not oversaturated with any mineral.

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