
This study evaluates the hydrocarbon generation potentials and time of generation for Paleocene to Lower Miocene source rock horizons from A-1, B-1, B-2, and C-1 wells in the Niger Delta Basin using 1D Petromod modeling software. Wells A-1, B-1 and B-2, and C-1 are located within the Central Swamp, the Coastal Swamp, and the Shallow Offshore depobelts, respectively. The thermal history was derived from the rifting–subsidence heat flow model. Maturity modeling were carried out by using Easy%Ro kinetic model and a heat flow history predicting present-day heat flow which were calibrated with measured temperature data. Results of the study suggest that these potential source rocks have attained maturity status to generate hydrocarbons, with vast differences existing in the timing of the onset of oil generation. Basin modeling suggests that Paleocene source rocks entered the oil generative window from the Oligocene to Miocene times with thermal maturity window that varies from gas generation to early-mature phase. The Eocene source rocks have also attained maturity from Miocene to Pliocene times, and their thermal maturity ranges from gas generation to early maturity stage. The Oligocene source rocks also began to generate oil during the Miocene and are currently within the early-mature to mid-mature stage. The thermal maturity window for the Lower Miocene source rocks ranges from immature to early-mature stage. The present modeling results reveals that higher levels of thermal maturity are attained in areas with high geothermal gradients and heat flow values while the cooler areas exhibits lower levels of maturation. The onset of the oil window lies at 2859 m at A-1 (Central Swamp), 3240 m at B-2 (Coastal Swamp), 4732 m at B-1 (Coastal Swamp), and 4344 m at C-1 (Shallow Offshore). The depth to the onset of oil window is found deeper in the Shallow Offshore and western parts of the study area than in the eastern and northwestern parts. The result of this study suggest that the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, and Lower Miocene source rocks are the principal source rocks for oil and gas generation in the Niger Delta Basin.

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