
The extensive thinning and destruction of North China Craton (NCC) during the Early Cretaceous led to the development of numerous rift basins and petroleum systems. However, the specific relationship between NCC evolution and hydrocarbon generation and accumulation in these sedimentary basins is still unclear. In this study organic geochemistry and oil-source correlation analyses were conducted to investigate the hydrocarbons generation potential and migration pathway in the representative Fuxin Basin. Results demonstrate that the semi-deep lacustrine source rocks were developed in the Jiufotang Formation (K1jf) in the west and the upper Shahai Formation (K1sh) in the east, both of which are enriched with organic matter content and hydrocarbon generation potential of kerogen Types II to III. Based on the hierarchical cluster analysis of crude oils biomarker fingerprints, two crude oil types (A and B) were deduced. The Type A crude oil is characterized by high gammacerane, low pristane/phytane, relatively high C29 regular sterane and methylphenanthrene index, which is consistent with the K1jf biomarker characteristics in the west. Therefore, the Type A crude oil is likely generated from the K1jf source rock that accumulated in turbidite sand bodies of the K1jf and/or migrated to the K1sh reservoir through strike-slip faults. Type B crude oil is dominated by low gammacerane, moderate pristane/phytane, high C27 regular sterane and 1,2,5-trimethylnaphthalenes, which is in good agreement with the K1sh4 features. The basin simulation revealed that hydrocarbon generation of source rocks in the Jiufotang and Shahai formations was linked to a rapid subsidence of the basin, which was induced by intense extension with the NCC destruction during the Early Cretaceous. Subsequently, the rapid subduction of the Western Pacific plate during the earliest Late Cretaceous led to the development of extensive epigenetic fractures, enabling extensive hydrocarbon migration in the Fuxin Basin. This study sheds light on oil sources in sedimentary basins in an extensional setting and provides insights into the dynamic process of hydrocarbon generation and migration associated with NCC evolution.

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