
Well TMG-02 with the depth interval of 5058.77 to 9389.43ft of Opolo field located in the Niger delta was assessed for hydrocarbon using suite of geophysical well logs. Suite includes gamma ray (GR), formation density (RHOB), neutron porosity (NPHI), and resistivity logs. The analysis was carried out to estimate the field’s hydrocarbon prospect by identifying hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs and their properties. The quantitative and qualitative results, identified thicker units of sand than shale lithology, three reservoirs A, B, C within the depth ranges from 5058.77ft to 9389.43ft, capable of accumulating hydrocarbon based on the petrophysical parameters calculated were delineated. The effective porosity for each of the reservoir are: 27%, 24% and 19% respectively. It was observed that reservoir A, B had excellent permeability while reservoir C was low as a result of thicker shale sequence within the reservoir. The result obtained shows presence of hydrocarbon bearing gas water contact in Reservoir A at depth of 5119.70ft, gas oil contact and oil water contact at depths 7310.00ft and 7438.69ft in Reservoir B and Gas water contact at depth 9032.00ft at Reservoir C.

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