
ABSTRACT Recent declines in oil and gas prices have led to concerns about the future levels of oil and gas production in the lower-48 United States. The long-term outlook for lower-48 gas production has been analyzed from the perspectives of lower-48 resource base. The effects on this long-term outlook of the decline in oil and gas prices since the beginning of 1986 have also been assessed. The analysis indicates that lower-48 oil and gas production could be kept near current levels, despite the decline in oil and gas prices. Improved recovery of both oil-in-place and gas-in-place will play a major role in future lower-48 production. Without improved recovery, lower-48 oil and gas production cannot be stabilized. The declines in oil and gas prices have severely reduced net industry cash flow. As a result, despite favorable resource economics, many parts of the industry are unable to undertake much exploration or development activity.

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