
Submarine volcanoes are more challenging to monitor than subaerial volcanoes. Yet, the large eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano in the Tonga archipelago in 2022 was a reminder of their hazardous nature and hence demonstrated the need to study them. In October 2020, four autonomous hydrophones were moored in the sound fixing and ranging channel 50 km offshore Mayotte Island, in the North Mozambique Channel, to monitor the Fani Maoré 2018–2020 submarine eruption. Between their deployment and July 2022, this network of hydrophones, named MAHY, recorded sounds generated by the recent volcanic activity, along with earthquakes, submarine landslides, marine mammals calls, and marine traffic. Among the sounds generated by the volcanic activity, impulsive signals have been evidenced and interpreted as proxy for lava flow emplacements. The characteristics and the spatio-temporal evolution of these hydroacoustic signals allowed the estimation of effusion and flow rates, key parameters for volcano monitoring. These sounds are related to the non-explosive quenching of pillow lavas due to the rapid heat transfer between hot lava and cold seawater, with this process releasing an energy equivalent to an airgun source as used for active seismic exploration. Volcano observatories could hence use autonomous hydrophones in the water column to detect and monitor active submarine eruptions in the absence of regular on-site seafloor survey.

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