
The present study attempts to delineate different groundwater potential zones using remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) in Rushikulaya Bahuada Basin of Ganjam district, Orissa. Thematic maps of Geology, Hydrology, geomorphology, land use and land cover, drainage density, were prepared using the Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Relationship of each layer to the groundwater regime has been evaluated. The major hydro geomorphic units identified in the area are, weathered denudation hills, residual hills, Pediments, spit, Valley Fills, beach ridges, Alluvial Palin, flood plain. Most part of the study area is occupied by alluvial plains with various thicknesses and the ground water potential is directly related to thickness of alluvial plain. Field observations showed that ground water occurs under unconfined conditions with water table at shallow to deep depth. From the lineament map, the lineament density and lineament intersection maps prepared to understand the impacts on groundwater percolation. Finally, the hydrogeomorphology and Lineament maps are overlaid following the weighted index overlay method, which delineates groundwater potential zones. An integrated remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) based approach has been used for demarcating groundwater potential zones in the study area.


  • Ground water is a vital natural resources for the reliable and economic provision of potable water supply in both urban and rural environment

  • An integrated remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) based approach has been used for demarcating groundwater potential zones in the study area

  • In the recent years it has been observed that extensive use of satellite remote sensing has made easier to define the spatial distribution of different ground water potential zones based on geomorphology, and its associated features

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Ground water is a vital natural resources for the reliable and economic provision of potable water supply in both urban and rural environment. In the recent years it has been observed that extensive use of satellite remote sensing has made easier to define the spatial distribution of different ground water potential zones based on geomorphology, and its associated features. To obtain the ground water potential zone, it is necessary to integrate data from the various terrain characteristics such as topography, lithology, geological structures, and geomorphology, weathering depth, slope characteristics and drainage pattern using geographical information system techniques (Jones, 1986; Sinha et al, 1990; Chi and Lee, 1994; Bahuguna et al, 2003; Kumar et al 2007). The present study focused delineation of ground water potential zone based on integrated study using all the controlling parameters such as geomorphology, drainage, slope characteristics, geological structure

Study Area
Data Collection
Satellite Data Analysis
Spatial Database Building
Satellite Data Interpretation
Generation of Thematic Maps
Lithology Map
Geomorphology Map
Drainage and Drainage Density Map
Lineament and Lineament Density Map
Integration of Thematic Layers and Modelling through GIS
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