
AbstractThis study is focused on a passive treatment system known as the horizontal reactive treatment well (HRX Well®) installed parallel to groundwater flow, which operates on the principle of flow focusing that results from the hydraulic conductivity (K) ratio of the well and aquifer media. Passive flow and capture in the HRX Well are described by simplified equations adapted from Darcy's Law. A field pilot‐scale study (PSS) and numerical simulations using a finite element method (FEM) were conducted to verify the HRX Well concept and test the validity of the HRX Well‐simplified equations. The hydraulic performance results from both studies were observed to be within a close agreement to the simplified equations and their hydraulic capture width approximately five times greater than the well diameter (0.20 m). Key parameters affecting capture included the aquifer thickness, well diameter, and permeability ratio of the HRX Well treatment media and aquifer material. During pilot testing, the HRX Well captured 39% of flow while representing 0.5% of the test pit cross‐sectional volume, indicating that the well captures a substantial amount of surrounding groundwater. While uncertainty in the aquifer and well properties (porosity, K, well losses), including the effects of boundary conditions, may have caused minor differences in the results, data from this study indicate that the simplified equations are valid for the conceptual design of a field study. A full‐scale HRX Well was installed at Site SS003 at Vanderberg Air Force Base, California, in July/August 2018 based on outcomes from this study.

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