
SUMMARY Fracture systems and fluid pathways must be analysed in order to understand the dynamical processes in the upper crust. Various deterministic as well as stochastic fracture networks in the depth section of the Franconian Lineament (6900 to 7140 m), which appears as a brittle ductile shear zone and prominent seismic reflector, were modelled to simulate the hydraulic situation at the two boreholes of the Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB). They led to estimations of the hydraulic permeability in crystalline rock. The geometrical parameters of the fractures, such as fracture locations and orientations, were determined from structural borehole measurements, which create an image of the borehole wall. The selection of potentially open fractures was decided according to the stress field. Only fractures with the dip direction (azimuth) of the fracture plane perpendicular to the maximum horizontal stress field were assumed to be open. The motivation for this assumption is the fact that the maximum horizontal stress is higher than the vertical stress from the formation, indicating that the state of stress is a strike-slip faulting. Therefore, the probability of open fractures due to this particular stress field at the KTB sites is enhanced. Length scales for fracture apertures and extensions were stochastically varied and calibrated by hydraulic experiments. The mean fracture aperture was estimated to be 25 mm, assuming an exponential distribution, with corresponding permeability in the range of 10’16 m2. Similar results were also obtained for log-normal and normal distributions, with a variation of permeability of the order of a factor of 2. The influence of the fracture length on permeability of the stochastic networks was also studied. Decreasing the fracture length beyond a specific threshold of 10 m led to networks with vanishing connectivity and hence vanishing permeability. Therefore, we assume a mean fracture length exceeding the threshold of 10 m as a necessary assumption for a macroscopic hydraulically active fracture system at the KTB site. The calculated porosity due to the fracture network is of the order of 10’3 per cent, which at first sight contradicts the estimated matrix porosity of 1 to 2 per cent from borehole measurements and core measurements. It can be concluded from these results, however, that if the fluid transport is due to a macroscopic fracture system, only very low porosity is needed for hydraulic flow with permeabilities up to several 10’16 m2, and hence the contribution of matrix porosity to the hydraulic transport is of a subordinate nature.

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