
The Kuwait Group consists mainly of clastic sediments overlying unconformably the Dammam Formation of Tertiary age. The Kuwait Group is generally divided into three main hydrostratigraphic units: the upper and lower aquifers separated by an aquitard. The upper aquifer is further divided into the water table aquifer, an aquitard and a semiconfined aquifer. This semiconfined unit was pumped and the drawdowns were observed in piezometers screened in various subunits of the Kuwait Group. Some pumping tests of short duration were carried out in the top water table aquifer as well. These tests showed that the subunits of the Kuwait Group are hydraulically interconnected to a varying degree. The pumping test data were analysed using conventional analytical solutions. The semiconfined pumping test was also simulated by a quasi-three-dimensional model using a leaky multiaquifer modelling technique. The initial hydraulic parameters were improved manually in the model till best fit drawdowns were obtained. The final parameters obtained by simulation of the pumping tests were used in designing a pilot drainage system for the control of a rising groundwater table in parts of Kuwait City.

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