
Hydraulic in situ measurement of rock mass permeability by packer (Lugeon) testing is an inherent and integral element of many engineering, hydrogeological and mining investigation. This paper describes and discusses geotechnical testing in the design process from a consulting practitioner’s perspective. This study focuses on the Packer testing planning, procedure, results & interpretation. Packer test system is an optimum method for obtaining values of hydraulic conductivity in wells that are difficult to analyse using conventional slug test systems. Packer tests are carried out to assess the variability of a borehole as it intersects various hydrogeological units. It gives vertical distribution of hydraulic properties and water quality in the aquifer and usually cheaper than a nest of wells and gives more continuous record and this knowledge can often be essential for a proper design. The role, objectives, types and interpretation of testing, limitations and recommended good practices as part of the geotechnical design process are outlined through the examination of test data from a case record.

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