
Unconventional natural gas extraction from impermeable geologic formations is getting momentum in recent years due to advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. By 2040, shale resources are projected to account for 53 % of all natural gas production in the U.S. However, the development of unconventional oil/gas production from hydraulic fracturing has raised serious concerns about its potential impact on the quantity and quality of water resources and the environment due to the large volume of water needed and the use of toxic substances in hydraulic fracturing fluids. This paper gives an overview of the hydraulic fracturing used to extract shale gas, its potential impact on water resources, provides an overview of modeling studies and tools used to assess its potential impacts, and regulation issues related to it. The most significant risks resulting from hydraulic fracturing and shale gas development are (1) the excessive withdrawal of water, (2) gas migration and groundwater contamination due to faulty well construction, blowouts, (3) contamination by wastewater disposal, and (4) accidental leaks and spill of wastewater and chemicals used during drilling and hydraulic fracturing process.

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