
AbstractExpansion of natural gas drilling into the Marcellus Shale formation is an emerging threat to the conservation and restoration of native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations. Improved drilling and extraction technologies (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing) have led to rapid and extensive natural gas development in areas overlying the Marcellus Shale. The expansion of hydraulic fracturing poses multiple threats to surface waters, which can be tied to key ecological attributes that limit brook trout populations. Here, we expand current conceptual models to identify three potential pathways of risk between surface water threats associated with increased natural gas development and life history attributes of brook trout: hydrological, physical, and chemical. Our goal is to highlight research needs for fisheries scientists and work in conjunction with resource managers to influence the development of strategies that will preserve brook trout habitat and address Marcellus Shale gas development threats to eastern North America's only native stream salmonid.

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