
Surface run-off (SR) produced on the territory of cities and other settlement as a result of atmospheric precipitation is an intensive source of the technogenic pollution of environment, including the waterbodies. In accordance with the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, SR requires organized disposal and treatment according to the standards of regulatory documents. In this article we analyze the European document BS EN 752:2017 with regard to determining the flow-rates of surface (storm-water) run-off, and the calculations are made by the authors, which demonstrate that the application of foreign software products is impossible in Russia, due to the differences between the existing Russian regulatory and methodological documents and the European standards. Nevertheless, for the development of electronic models of hydraulic calculations for a storm-water drainage network, the mathematical relationship, which most adequately characterizes the type of surface run-off hydrograph most frequent for the territory of the Russian Federation as a result of atmospheric precipitation, was found. The relevant algorithm of the hydraulic calculation of storm-water drainage networks was also developed.

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