
Three new stipitate hydnoid fungi, Sarcodon coactus, S. grosselepidotus and S. lidongensis, are described and illustrated, based on morphological characteristics and nuc ITS rDNA + nuc LSU rDNA sequence analyses and a new record, S. leucopus, from China is reported. S. coactus is characterised by ellipsoid to round basidiocarps, reddish-brown to dark brown, felted pileal surface with white and incurved margins, simple-septate and partly short-celled generative hyphae and irregular subglobose, thin-walled, brown basidiospores with tuberculate ornamentation (tuberculi up to 1 μm long). S. grosselepidotus is characterised by infundibuliform to round, occasionally deeply fissured pileus, pale orange to dark ruby pileal surface with ascending and coarse scales, simple-septate generative hyphae and irregular ellipsoid to globose, thin-walled, brown basidiospores with tuberculate ornamentation (tuberculi up to 0.7 μm long). S. lidongensis is characterised by plano-convex to somewhat depressed and regular orbicular pileus, light brown to dark brown pileal surface with adhering squamose and purplish-brown, incurved and occasionally incised margin, cylindrical or broadened below stipe, simple-septate generative hyphae and irregular ellipsoid to subglobose, thin-walled basidiospores with tuberculate ornamentation (tuberculi up to 1 μm long). The absence of the clamp connection is the common morphological characteristic of these three new species; however, S. leucopus, a new record from China, has frequently clamped generative hyphae. Molecular analyses confirm the phylogenetic positions of three new and the new record species. The discriminating characters of these three new species and closely related species are discussed and a key to the species of Sarcodon from China is provided.


  • Nine sampled specimens formed three single clades with high to full support (100% in Maximum Likelihood (ML), 99% or 100% in MP and 1.00 BPP) and clustered in the clade that comprised most species of Sarcodon

  • Three new species of Sarcodon were described, based on the morphological characteristics and molecular data and were the first new species described from China

  • Phylogenetic analyses of the nuc ITS2 region (ITS) rDNA + nuc LSU rDNA dataset by ML, MP and Bayes in this study showed a low level of support in the deeper nodes of the topology, but high support at the species level

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Species of Bankeraceae are ectomycorrhizal fungi which associate with many kinds of angiosperm and gymnosperm trees, especially with Pinaceae and Fagaceae, such as Pinus strobus, Picea sitchensis, Fagus grandifolia, Quercus rubra and Castanea sativa (Maas Geesteranus 1975; Harrison 1984; Baird 1986; Baird et al 2013) and usually occur in natural and comparatively undisturbed forests (Arnolds 1989) They can obtain energy from and transport nutrients to the host plants and are of great ecological significance in promoting forest vegetation recovery (Gardes and Bruns 1996; Erland and Taylor 1999). In Europe, stipitate hydnoid fungi have been considered one of the most endangered groups of macrofungi and have been included in Red Data Lists (Hrouda 1999; Walleyn and Verbeken 2000; Hrouda 2005; Nitare 2006; Senn-Irlet et al 2007), which have been used as indicators that forests need to be protected (Ainsworth 2005; Nitare 2019)

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