
Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. (waterwheel plant, Droseraceae) is a rare and remarkable aquatic carnivorous plant with snapping traps living naturally on four continents of the Old World and introduced to North America. Although Aldrovanda covers a huge territory within several climatic zones (temperate to tropical), it is highly scattered. A recent world-wide survey found only 50 sites, with the center of its distribution in Ukraine and Poland. Aldrovanda is a monotypic genus without any subspecies, but its distant world populations usually differ in some physiological traits (turion formation, red coloration). However, in spite of these striking physical differences, the genetic differences between world populations (accessions) are surprisingly minimal. Although the flowers are opened for only a few hours, under favorable conditions in all climatic zones, autogamous Aldrovanda can flower, self-pollinate, and set seed.

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