
Classical clustering algorithms like K-means often converge to local optima and have slow convergence rates for larger datasets. To overcome such situations in clustering, swarm based algorithms have been proposed. Swarm based approaches attempt to achieve the optimal solution for such problems in reasonable time. Many swarm based algorithms such as Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), Black Hole Algorithm (BHA), Bat Algorithm (BA) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Firefly Algorithm (FFA), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) etc have been successfully applied to many non-linear optimization problems. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed which hybridizes Chaos Optimization and Flower Pollination over K-means to improve the efficiency of minimizing the cluster integrity. The proposed algorithm referred as Chaotic FPA (CFPA) is compared with FPA, CSA, BHA, BA, FFA, and PSO over K-Means for data clustering problem. Experiments are conducted on sixteen benchmark datasets. Algorithms are compared on four different performance parameters — cluster integrity, execution time, number of iterations to converge (NIC) and stability. Results obtained are analyzed statistically using Non-parametric Friedman test. If Friedman test rejects the Null hypothesis then pair wise comparison is done using Nemenyi test. Experimental Result demonstrates the following: (a) CFPA and BHA have better performance on the basis of cluster integrity as compared to other algorithms; (b) Prove the superiority of CFPA and CSA over others on the basis of execution time; (c) CFPA and FPA converges earlier than other algorithms to evaluate optimal cluster integrity; (d) CFPA and BHA produce more stable results than other algorithms.

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