
Hybridization between Alouatta spp. has been suggested at contact zones of A. palliata and A. pigra in Mexico and of A. caraya and A. guariba clamitans in Brazil and Argentina. Whereas genetic data confirmed hybridization between the former pair of species, hybrid individuals of the latter pair have been putatively identified on the basis of a mosaic pelage color. In this paper, we describe the first confirmed cases of hybridization between a female A. guariba clamitans and a male A. caraya. One hybrid male was born in 2007 and one hybrid female was born in 2009 with distinct coat colors. The male resembled the newborn color pattern characteristic of A. guariba clamitans, whereas the female resembled the newborn pattern of A. caraya. The birth and survival of the male hybrid for a year and a half indicated the viability of the heterogametic sex.

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