
Abstract Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) deploys single antenna for both transmitting and receiving radar signals since it comes under mono static category. Major research work based on airborne and orbital focused on moving vehicle capturing, base penetration, greenery or vegetation penetration, methodologies to improve the quality of the captured images etc. In general, synthetic aperture radar imaging provides high level resolution images of vast regions under coverage. The pixel intensity of images in synthetic aperture radar is measured based on roughness, dimensional orientation and dielectric constant of plane captured. Processing of SAR images is mapping of signal data received by the radar in to a spatial image. Synthetic Aperture Radar images are easily vulnerable to speckle noises. These kinds of noises disrupt the image elucidation. This research article proposed the hybrid spatio-frequency domain global thresholding filter based pre-processing for SAR image enhancement for removal of additive as well as speckle noise which is more characteristic of any SAR images. The proposed image enhancement algorithm has been experimented under different noise variances and the results obtained are compared with other traditional methodologies.

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