
Topicality. Recent studies confirm the growing trend to implement emotional feedback and sentiment analysis to improve the performance of recommender systems. In this way, a deeper personalization and current emotional relevance of the user experience is ensured. The subject of study in the article is a hybrid recommender system with a component of video sentiment analysis. The purpose of the article is to investigate the possibilities of improving the effectiveness of the results of the hybrid recommender system of virtual art compositions by implementing a component of video sentiment analysis. Used methods: matrix factorization methods, collaborative filtering method, content-based method, knowledge-based method, video sentiment analysis method. The following results were obtained. A new model has been created that combines a hybrid recommender system and a video sentiment analysis component. The average absolute error of the system has been significantly reduced. Added system reaction to emotional feedback in the context of user interaction with virtual art compositions. Conclusion. Thus, the system can not only select the most suitable virtual art compositions, but also create adaptive and dynamic content, which will increase user satisfaction and improve the immersive aspects of the system. A promising direction of further research may be the addition of a subsystem with a generative neural network, which will create new virtual art compositions based on the conclusions of the developed recommendation system.

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