
Hybrid peony (Paeonia hybrida Pall.) is listed as endangered in Russian Federation (since 1988) and in several regions of Russia. The structure of the isolated population from Bashkir Trans-Uralian region, separated by 1500 km from the main geographic range of this species, has been studied using isoenzyme markers from 11 loci. The population is split between two geographical locations, both characterized by a relatively high genetic diversity (mean allele number A = 1.9±0.3, percentage of polymorphic loci P = 0.54, observed heterozigosity HO = 0.223±0.068, expected heterozigosity HE = 0.229±0.067) and a quite low intergroup genetic differentiation (fixation index FST = 0.008, Nei’s genetic distance D = 0.011). In a subpopulation located near a swampy lake in dense cereal grass and steppe shrubby vegetation, autocorrelation analysis has revealed spatial structuring of genetic variability. In the other location, a stipa-forb steppe on a flat hill slope, a uniform spatial structure of the genotypes has been observed. The results are discussed with respect to the ecological characteristics of the species and the conservation of the genetic pool of the population in situ and ex situ.

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