
Programming codes are of variable length. When the size of codes becomes greater than that of primary memory, the concept of virtual memory comes into play. As the name suggests, virtual memory allows to outstretch the use of primary memory by using storage devices such as disks. The implementation of virtual memory can be done by using the paging approach. Allocation of memory frames to each and every program is done by the operating system while loading them into the memory. Each program is segregated into pages as per the size of frames. Equal size of pages and frames enhance the usability of memory. As, the process or program which is being executed is provided with a certain amount of memory frames; therefore, swap out technique is necessary for the execution of each and every page. This swap out technique is termed as Page Replacement. There are many algorithms proposed to decide which page needs to be replaced from the frames when new pages come. In this paper, we have proposed a new page replacement technique. This new technique is based on the approach of reading and counting of the pages from secondary storage. Whenever the page fault is detected, the needed page is fetched from the secondary storage. This process of accessing the disc is slow as compared to the process in which the required page is retrieved from the primary storage. In the proposed technique, the pages having least occurrence will be replaced by the new page and the pages having same count will be replaced on the basis of LRU page replacement algorithm. In this method, the paged are retrieved from the secondary storage hence, possibility of page hit will be increased and as a result, the execution time of the processes will be decreased as the possibility of page miss will be decreased.

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