
In the last two decades, remarkable progress has been achieved in the field of optoelectronic devices based on III-nitride semiconductors. In terms of photonics applications in the visible-UV spectral range, III-nitrides are one of the most promising materials. For instance, emerging gallium nitride (GaN)-based micro-light-emitting diode (LED) technology for high-resolution display, and UV photo-detection for environmental monitoring, health, and medical applications. In this work, hybrid micro/nano-LEDs with integration of II-VI quantum dots by means of lithography and nano-imprinting patterning techniques are demonstrated, and high-performance red/green/blue and white emissions are achieved. Consequently, plasmonic nanolasers are designed and fabricated using a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure, where strong surface plasmon polariton coupling leads to the efficient lasing with a low excitation threshold from the visible to UV tunable spectral range. Furthermore, performance-improved AlGaN UV solar-blind avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with a separate absorption and multiplication structure by polarization engineering are reported. These APDs deliver a record-high avalanche gain of up to 1.6 × 105 . These newest advances in nano/micro-LEDs, nanolasers, and APDs can shed light on the emerging capabilities of III-nitride in cutting-edge applications.

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