
Product recommendation is an important functionality in online ecommerce systems. The goal of the recommendation system is to recommend products with has higher purchase success ratio. User profile, product purchase history etc. have been used in many works to provide high quality recommendations. Product reviews is one of the important source for personalized recommendation. Typical collaborative recommendation systems are built upon user rating on products. But in many cases, these rating information are inaccurate or not available. There is also a problem of biased reviews decreasing the accuracy of recommendation systems. This work proposes a aspect mining collaborative fusion based recommendation system considering both the implicit and explicit reviews. The sentiments about different aspects mined from reviews are translated to multi-dimensional ratings. These ratings are then fused with user profile and demographic attributes to improve the quality of recommendation. The proposed recommendation system has 3.79% lower RMSE, 4.51% lower MAE and 22% lower MRE compared to most recent collaborative filtering based recommendation system.

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