
To deal with imbalanced data, this paper proposes a hybrid data balancing technique which incorporates both over and under-sampling approaches. This technique determines how much minority data should be grown as well as how much majority data should be reduced. In this manner, noise introduced to the data due to excessive over-sampling could be avoided. On top of that, the proposed data balancing technique helps to determine the appropriate size of the balanced data and thus computation time required for construction of classifiers would be more efficient. The data balancing technique over samples the minority data through GRSOM method and then under samples the majority data using the bootstrap sampling approach. GRSOM is used in this study because it grows new samples in a non-linear fashion and preserves the original data structure. Performance of the proposed method is tested using four data sets from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Once the data sets are balanced, the committee of classifiers is constructed using these balanced data. The experimental results reveal that our proposed data balancing method provides the best performance.

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