
The agricultural pests can be controlled effectively by simultaneous use (i.e., hybrid approach) of biological and chemical control methods. Also, many insect natural enemies have two major life stages, immature and mature. According to this biological background, in this paper, we propose a three tropic level plant–pest–natural enemy food chain model with stage structure in natural enemy. Moreover, impulsive releasing of natural enemies and harvesting of pests are also considered. We obtain that the system has two types of periodic solutions: plant–pest-extinction and pest-extinction using stroboscopic maps. The local stability for both periodic solutions is studied using the Floquet theory of the impulsive equation and small amplitude perturbation techniques. The sufficient conditions for the global attractivity of a pest-extinction periodic solution are determined by the comparison technique of impulsive differential equations. We analyze that the global attractivity of a pest-extinction periodic solution and permanence of the system are evidenced by a threshold limit of an impulsive period depending on pulse releasing and harvesting amounts. Finally, numerical simulations are given in support of validation of the theoretical findings.

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