
The chapter presents spatial distribution of hybrid and electric cars in Poland and socio-demographic profiles, travel behaviour and preferences of their potential buyers. These type of cars are registered almost exclusively in large cities (including as many as one-third in the Warsaw agglomeration, the capital of Poland) and mostly by companies (over 60% of registrations). The share of hybrid and electric cars in the total car park in Poland has so far been marginal (around 0,5%), but the recent statistical data and growing interest from the industry and media allows to predict its slow, systematic uptake in the following years. Potential buyers of hybrid and electric cars in Poland (among individual users) are people living in a large city or its suburbs, aged 40–59, with a university degree and stable employment. The future recipients of electric and hybrid cars drive younger cars and more often have second car in their household. These drivers, among other characteristics, declare higher life satisfaction, better financial situation as well as higher ecological awareness when making car choices.

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