
Since the discovery of the enzyme hyaluronidase in mammalian testes, one of the problems in which we have been interested has been to determine by what means the enzyme level in the testes might be altered. Previous to identification of hyaluronidase with the “spreading factor,” Sprunt, et al. (1939) showed that the latter was present in the testes of immature rabbits and cryptorchid rats in amounts less than in normal adults. In a preliminary note (Leonard and Permian, 1946) it was reported that hyaluronidase, determined by the turbidimetric method, was lower in immature, cryptorchid, and hypophysectomized rats. The details of these experiments are reported here. methods Determinations of hyaluronidase were made according to the previously described turbidimetric method (Leonard, Perlman and Kurzrok, 1946). The units of enzyme are expressed as turbidity reducing units (TRU). The same batch of hyaluronic acid was used throughout these experiments.

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