
Although more maternal deaths occur in the postpartum period, this period receives far less attention from the program managers. To understand how the women and their families perceive postpartum health problems, the culturally derived restrictions, and precautions controlling diets and behavior patterns, we conducted a mixed-method study in Rajasthan, India. The study methods included free listing of maternal morbidity conditions, interviews with 81 recently delivered women, case interviews with eight cases of huwa rog (postpartum illness), and interviews with nine key informants. The study showed that huwa rog refers to a broad category of serious postpartum illness, thought to affect women a few weeks to several months after delivery. Prevention of the illness involves a system of precautions referred to as parhej, which includes a distinctive set of "medicinal dietary items" referred to as desi dawai, or "country medicine," and restrictions about mobility and work patterns of a postpartum woman. This cultural framework around the concept of huwa rog and peoples' beliefs about it are of central importance for planning postpartum health interventions, including place of contact and communication messages.

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