
This article summaries the results of research on the scientific activity of Husain Faizkhanov (1823–1866), especially taking into account the studies conducted during the passing year 2023. The expansion of the range of materials involved has led to the acquisition of new facts, as well as made it possible to revise some ideas about the general chronology of H. Faizkhanov’s life and rethink his direct contribution to various fields of oriental studies. The article shows that the arrival of H. Faizkhanov in Saint Petersburg, which took place at least in 1853, had already led him to close interaction with the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences and he was involved in the transcription of manuscripts in Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages, consistently engaged in this work for many years. Faizkhanov was engaged by B. A. Dorn to compile the catalogue of Oriental manuscripts of the Imperial Public Library. Besides, it was with Faizkhanov that the first catalogue of Arabic manuscripts of the Asiatic Museum was started, which was only later completed by V. R. Rosen. The article also considers some circumstances of the initial period Faizkhanov’s life and, in this connection, the factors that influenced the formation of his personality.

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