
Remote sensing provides crucial support for building damage assessment in the wake of hurricanes. This article proposes a coupled deep learning-based model for damage assessment that leverages a large very high-resolution satellite images dataset and a flexibility of building footprint source. Convolutional Neural Networks were used to generate building footprints from pre-hurricane satellite imagery and conduct a classification of incurred damage. We emphasize the advantages of multiclass classification in comparison with traditional binary classification of damage and propose resolving dataset imbalances due to unequal damage impact distribution with a focal loss function. We also investigate differences between relying on learned features using a deep learning approach for damage classification versus a commonly used shallow machine learning classifier, Support Vector Machines, that requires manual feature engineering. The proposed model leads to an 86.3% overall accuracy of damage classification for a case event of Hurricane Michael and an 11% overall accuracy improvement from the Support Vector Machines classifier, suggesting better applicability of such an open-source deep learning-based workflow in disaster management and recovery. Furthermore, the findings can be integrated into emergency response frameworks for automated damage assessment and prioritization of relief efforts.

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