
AbstractWe investigated herd‐sizes and herd‐compositions of Impala (Aepyceros melampus) inside a protected area [Lake Mburo National Park (LMNP) in western Uganda] and the unprotected adjacent ranchland [the Ankole Ranching Scheme (ARS)]. Impala experience intense hunting and poaching in the study area, and poaching is especially strong on the ARS. We found evidence for changes in overall group‐sizes in both mixed‐sex and pure bachelor herds between areas in and outside LMNP. Mixed‐sex herds strongly decreased in size outside the National Park, but bachelor herds even slightly increased in size. While the group‐composition of mixed‐sex herds was very similar in areas in and outside LMNP, bachelor herds comprised more yearlings and subadult males on the ARS. Our study suggests that effects of hunting and other human nuisance may differ between herd types: mixed herds probably decrease in size because females are more strongly hunted. Around LMNP, impala are usually hunted using nets and spears, thereby increasing the hunters’ chance of being injured. Poachers therefore prefer hornless females (and their calves), as it is less dangerous to handle net‐caught females than males. As a result, males are less hunted, but increased vigilance and, therefore, reduced aggression among the members of a bachelor herd, may account for the observed increase in herd sizes and changes in group‐compositions.

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