
The games that took place in the an­cient city of Olympia every four years for over a mil­len­nium held great in­terest for the people of Greece, and the same is true for the mod­ern Olympics, which have re­cently cel­eb­rated their125th an­niversary. The title of Olympic cham­pion has al­ways com­manded great re­spect, grant­ing vic­tori­ous ath­letes lifelong re­cog­ni­tion in their home­land. Hun­gary has been a part of the Olympic Move­ment since the re­vival of the Games. Our ath­letes have rep­res­en­ted our na­tion at every Sum­mer and Winter Olympic Games ex­cept for two, and they never re­turned without vic­tor­ies from the Sum­mer Games. Not too long ago, the first Hun­garian gold medal was won in the his­tory of the Winter Olympics. The per­form­ance of Hun­garian Olympi­ans has al­ways been re­mark­able. As a res­ult, stat­ist­ics and as­sess­ments show that Hun­gary is a real sports na­tion, among coun­tries that boast the best res­ults. This has been demon­strated by the six gold medals and al­to­gether twenty po­dium fin­ishes achieved in Tokyo. With the re­cent suc­cesses at the Tokyo Olympics in mind, the pur­pose of this paper is to provide a brief over­view of cer­tain rel­ev­ant as­pects of the his­tory of the Olympics and the suc­cess achieved by Hun­garian ath­letes throughout the years. It also aims to ex­am­ine the room for man­euver of the eval­u­ation and ana­lysis of the Olympic res­ults, in­clud­ing dy­namic ap­proaches and com­par­is­ons with in­ter­na­tional res­ults.

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