
Hungary and the Holy See of Rome (Sources and Perspectives): Studies in Honor of Cardinal Erdo. Edited by Peter Tusor. [Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae Series I, Classis I, Vol. 8.] (Budapest: Gondolât Publishing. 2012. Pp. viii, 466. Paperback. ISBN 978-9-633-08063-4.)Church history research nowadays does not examine only the past of religion or the clergy; it also connects strongly with the history of politics, diplomacy, economy, culture, and lifestyle. Church history research in Rome about Hungary started in the second half of the nineteenth century and continues today with many remarkable results, such as those that appear in this collection of sixteen studies.In the Medieval section of the book, Tamas Fedeles used the quitantiae of the Apostolic Camera to gain information about the appointments to ecclesiastical offices in Hungary. According to the author, future research should concentrate on exploring and publishing all the Hungary-related material of the Apostolic Camera. Kornel Szovak chose to present a fascinating personality of the humanist culture: Martin of Ilkus, astronomer to Pope Paul II and physician to King Matthias I of Hungary. The author examines Martin's political and ecclesiastical career from a brand-new perspective. Gabor Nemes examined the situation of Croatia and Dalmatia by using the breves of Pope Clement VII. The pope-as the study points out-did not only support the resistance against the Turks financially but also sent a large amount of grain and war material. Help was also spiritual- the pope granted indulgence to the Frangepans and their soldiers.In the Early Modem Age section, Istvan Fazekas analyzes the papal confirmation of Hungarian episcopal appointments in 1554 on the basis of documents from the archives of Vienna. In this case, the new bishops (and an archbishop) were ordered to spend the annates on the fortification of the Hungarian border fortresses. Antal Molnar writes about Hungarian relations with the Republic of Ragusa, especially through the Catholic missions promoted by Ragusan merchants in the Balkans. These missionaries had to cope with both the spread of Islam and the Protestant preachers. Tamas Kruppa examines and publishes the apology of Demeter Napragi, bishop of Transylvania from 1601. The source found in the Vatican Secret Archives was an answer to the several accusations against the bishop by the Transylvanian orders. The apology discloses that Napragi supported Zsigmond Bathori and intended to destroy the Protestant denominations. …

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