
Abstract Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from a breeding ground off Gabon (0–4°S) and a migratory corridor/feeding ground on the west coast of South Africa (WSA; 33°S) differ genetically and in catch histories. Interpretation of the population structure is hampered by the lack of data from the intervening 3,500 km of coastline or to the north of Gabon. Here we collate all relevant nongenetic data on humpback whales from Namibia (∼23°S) from 2005 to 2012 and compare these with corresponding data from Gabon (2000–2006) and WSA (1983–2008). Data from Namibia include photographic catalogs of dorsal fin and tail fluke images, seasonal presence, and a photographic assessment of scarring and wounds from cookiecutter sharks (Isistius sp.). No confirmed photographic identification matches could be made between Namibia and Gabon and only 2 potential matches were made between Namibia and WSA from dorsal fins. Humpback whales in Namibia show a bimodal seasonality in occurrence, with a primary peak in austral...

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