
SummaryTwo types of photoreceptors in the human retina support vision across a wide range of luminances: cones are active under bright daylight illumination (photopic viewing) and rods under dim illumination at night (scotopic viewing). These photoreceptors are distributed inhomogeneously across the retina [1]: cone-receptor density peaks at the center of the visual field (i.e., the fovea) and declines toward the periphery, allowing for high-acuity vision at the fovea in daylight. Rod receptors are absent from the fovea, leading to a functional foveal scotoma in night vision. In order to make optimal perceptual decisions, the visual system requires knowledge about its own properties and the relative reliability of signals arriving from different parts of the visual field [2]. Since cone and rod signals converge on the same pathways [3], and their cortical processing is similar except for the foveal scotoma [4], it is unclear if humans can take into account the differences between scotopic and photopic vision when making perceptual decisions. Here, we show that the scotopic foveal scotoma is filled in with information from the immediate surround and that humans trust this inferred information more than veridical information from the periphery of the visual field. We observed a similar preference under daylight illumination, indicating that humans have a default preference for information from the fovea even if this information is not veridical, like in night vision. This suggests that filling-in precedes the estimation of confidence, thereby shielding awareness from the foveal scotoma with respect to its contents and its properties.


  • In order to make optimal perceptual decisions, the visual system requires knowledge about its own properties and the relative reliability of signals arriving from different parts of the visual field [2]

  • Since cone and rod signals converge on the same pathways [3], and their cortical processing is similar except for the foveal scotoma [4], it is unclear if humans can take into account the differences between scotopic and photopic vision when making perceptual decisions

  • We show that the scotopic foveal scotoma is filled in with information from the immediate surround and that humans trust this inferred information more than veridical information from the periphery of the visual field

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Experiment 1, we tested 24 interleaved conditions (Table S1) These 24 conditions (3 eccentricities (0, 4, 8) x 2 temporal sequences (CD or DC) in the same-eccentricity conditions, and 3 eccentricities (0j4, 0j8, 4j8) x 3 stimulus conditions (CC, CD or DC) x 2 temporal sequences in the different-eccentricity conditions) were measured 12 times (3 repetitions x 2 locations on the screen (left, right) x 2 orientations (vertical, horizontal)). In addition to the CD and DC possibilities, there was an ambiguous condition in which both first and second stimuli were continuous (CC). In nine of these 18 conditions, stimulus presentations followed a sequence of first-second stimulus locations opposite to the others nine (i.e., CD at 0j4, CD at 4j0)

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