
Today, the world is on the eve of a major energy crisis, a situation that seems to be accelerating steps towards a revolution in identifying complementary energy sources to ensure continuity in all activities, including humanitarian ones. Starting from the relationship between disasters - humanitarian emergencies - complex humanitarian emergencies, the paper highlights the novelty of the concept of humanitarian energy and highlights the important role of energy in the management process of humanitarian activities. This paper defines humanitarian energy as the interface zone between humanitarian response and energy. Our method of documenting the topic is based on bibliometric analysis that involved extensive literature screening. The research put into evidence the results of recent studies revealing the links between energy and humanitarian clusters, and the recent research subjects related to humanitarian energy. The study's findings indicate that humanitarian energy is a new and emerging theme, approached from multiple perspectives and disciplinary areas, including economic one, that requires a broad level of knowledge, integrated analysis, and public-private management. The research results reveal that most of the studies related to this field are on renewable energy and energy access. Although security (protection) issues are recognized as a priority in the management of humanitarian problems, this topic has not received much attention given the risks that lack of access to energy generates in humanitarian settings. Considering the applicability of the research studies linked to the humanitarian energy for all the stakeholders and the predictable dynamics of forced displacement movements in the context of climate change and/or conflict, as well as the risks arising from lack of inadequate planning, we conclude that research studies should further deep explore the issues of humanitarian energy management in emergencies and crises from both an economic and security perspective.

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