
Introduction. The purpose of the study is to assess the significance and substantiate the humanistic nature of the creative heritage of A. A. Bogdanov in the new social reality. The objectives of the study are: a comparative analysis of the philosophical and socio-economic content of the works of A. A. Bogdanov; critical comparison of the theoretical and methodological approaches existing in modern science to understanding the basic ideas of the scientist; revealing their theoretical and practical significance, taking into account the new social reality. Materials and Methods. The basis for writing the article was the writings of A. A. Bogdanov himself, as well as scientific studies of his work, which have appeared over the past twenty years. The study used structural-functional and program-targeted approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalizations and axiology, as well as historical-retrospective, historical-genetic and hermeneutic research methods. Results. On the example of the socio-philosophical concepts of “gathering a person” and “collective personality”, A. A. Bogdanov’s contribution to the formulation and development of scientific ideas about socialism, humanism, social responsibility and social justice is shown. The humanistic nature of A. A. Bogdanov’s ideas about social cooperation and state structure in a truly humane society is revealed, which distinguishes his views from the ideas of Western European socialists – utopianists and humanists of the Renaissance. The distinctive features of the humanistic philosophy of A. A. Bogdanov from “orthodox Marxism” and liberalism are revealed. Discussion and Conclusion. On the basis of different scientific approaches that have developed in historical, economic and philosophical science, the polymorphism of tabooing the creative heritage of A. A. Bogdanov and the growing need for its further study, taking into account modern “time challenges”, are revealed.

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