
Aim. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the concept of people-centeredness as a basic category of sustainable development economy in order to form a basis for further study of the economic system through the prism of the concept of sustainable development. Method. Analysis of scientific literature on current trends in philosophy of economics, problems of human-centric approach in economics, research and critique of anthropocentrism. Results. The analysis is carried out and the methodological bases of rethinking the role and place of human in the structure and processes of economic activity are singled out. It is determined that modern trends in the philosophy of economics form new models, methods, and laws of management. It is noted that the change of priorities of socio-economic development transforms the theoretical and methodological foundations of research and the actual philosophy of economics. In turn, there is a need for more in-depth research and the use of new approaches and tools. The prospects of the research results are to form the basis for a qualitative new study of the economics of sustainable development, in particular using a holistic approach. Opportunities and prospects for studying economic processes based on the concept of holism are prospects for further research. Scientific novelty. The place and role of the concept of anthropocentrism as a basic category of sustainable development economy are substantiated, as well as key trends in the philosophy of economics in this context are identified. Practical significance. The results of the study allow asserting the formation of a new array of theoretical and methodological data that require more detailed research and conceptualization. Humancentrism as a basic category of the economy of sustainable development forms new perspectives for the study of economic processes and reflects changes in the philosophy of economic thought in general.

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