
Hearing loss in patients with vestibular schwannoma (VS) is commonly attributed to mechanical compression of the auditory nerve, though recent studies suggest that this retrocochlear pathology may be augmented by cochlear damage. Although VS-associated loss of inner hair cells, outer hair cells, and spiral ganglion cells has been reported, it is unclear to what extent auditory-nerve peripheral axons are damaged in VS patients. Understanding the degree of damage VSs cause to auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) is important for accurately modeling clinical outcomes of cochlear implantation, which is a therapeutic option to rehabilitate hearing in VS-affected ears. A retrospective analysis of human temporal-bone histopathology was performed on archival specimens from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear collection. Seven patients met our inclusion criteria based on the presence of sporadic, unilateral, untreated VS. Tangential sections of five cochlear regions were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and adjacent sections were stained to visualize myelinated ANFs and efferent fibers. Following confocal microscopy, peripheral axons of ANFs within the osseous spiral lamina were quantified manually, where feasible, and with a “pixel counting” method, applicable to all sections. ANF density was substantially reduced on the VS side compared to the unaffected contralateral side. In the upper basal turn, a significant difference between the VS side and unaffected contralateral side was found using both counting methods, corresponding to the region tuned to 2000 Hz. Even spiral ganglion cells (SGCs) contralateral to VS were affected by the tumor as the majority of contralateral SGC counts were below average for age. This observation provides histological insight into the clinical observation that unilateral vestibular schwannomas pose a long-term risk of progression of hearing loss in the contralateral ear as well. Our pixel counting method for ANF quantification in the osseous spiral lamina is applicable to other pathologies involving sensorineural hearing loss. Future research is needed to classify ANFs into morphological categories, accurately predict their electrical properties, and use this knowledge to inform optimal cochlear implant programming strategies.

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