
Monetary and political union is the eventual aim of the East African Community (EAC)’s deepening integration efforts. The region already became a common market in the year 2010. With this common market, it is hoped that production factors can move freely within the region whose total population is 130 million.The East African Community Treaty of 1999 which was amended in 2007 created various structures to aid the deepening integration efforts. These structures included the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), East African Court of Justice (EACJ) and the East African Secretariat (EAS). The treaty further made provisions on the East African trading regime; monetary and financial cooperation; infrastructure, science and technology; movement of peoples; food security; environmental management; tourism; wildlife; cultural activities; social welfare; promotion of women and political cooperation.The treaty however was silent on the issue of human rights and corruption. This study recommends that the EAC region adopts the human rights and anti corruption agendas in their deepening integration efforts culminating in the suggestion for the the formation of the East African Human Rights and Anti Corruption Commission (EAHRACC).

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