
Have you wondered what could have happened to this world without the enactment of laws or development of treaties that protects the human rights and her freedom? Remember the days of slavery, genocide, women subjugation, and widespread racial discrimination; the days when Nations were dominated by imperialists and dictators, all waging war against the rights and freedom of citizens. Those days are gone and a new dawn emerged - thanks to various international and state laws, human race could breathe a sigh of relief as they enjoy the rights and freedom they have been so long deprived. Over the course of Legal Methodology, one of the important topics discussed was about human rights legislation, its impacts on certain rights and protection of others. The Human Rights Act of 1998, Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR), African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (1981), American Convention on Human Rights (1969), European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) and many other international treaties have emerged and evolved over the years to protect, defend, strengthening, and support the rights and freedom of human race.

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